How To: Gut Your Pumpkin In 2 Minutes (Using a cake beater and a drill!)

Welcome to the FIRST of my soon-to-be depended on “How To” series.

Okay, I just realized, with this post, I am perfectly fitting my weird Mom-On-The-Job-Site niche right now, but hear me out. This little hack is not only a time saver, but it also helped me avoid the disgusting sensory overload experienced when reaching your hands into gooey pumpkin guts. Halloween is upon us, and creativity doesn’t have to commence when your pumpkin is ready to be carved. Start the process beforehand with this SUPER easy, albeit hilarious gutting technique. Here’s how it’s done:


Step One

Grab a companion. A husband, a friend who may think you’re a little crazy for attempting this, a reluctant, yet bribable child…any will work, really. It’s not imperative, but it’ll make the process WAY easier if you have a designated pumpkin holder.

Step Two

Gather your materials: Pumpkin. Drill. Cake beater. Bowl (for the seeds). Spoon. Don’t forget the spoon. I forgot the spoon.

Fun fact, the very kind gentlemen at the store told me most cake beaters will fit directly into a drill. So the ones from your hand mixer you have sitting in the back of your drawer will likely do!

Step Three

Assemble! As you would any drill attachment, just put the cake beater in there instead. Carve the “lid” off your pumpkin, and get ready for the fun part.

Step Four

Go to town! Have your partner hold the pumpkin on an angle to make it easier. Then just drill around in circles until all of the guts detach. Okay I know I’m using the word “guts” a lot in this post but it’s almost Halloween so give me a pass. It’s festive.

Step Five

LITERALLY turn it UPSIDE DOWN and watch ALL of the guts fall out into the bowl! Assist with a spoon, and you’ve got yourself a very clean pumpkin. I couldn’t believe it. Psssst. Toast the leftover pumpkin seeds.

So there you have it! I was shocked that this worked, to be completely honest. When we were filming our video, I thought we’d end up having to turn it into a funny blooper-reel-style attempt at this life hack. We intentionally did it outside, anticipating a mess. But honestly, this can TOTALLY be done in your kitchen! It was pretty mess-free. I’m never gutting a pumpkin the traditional way again.

I urge you all to attempt this hack! It’s honestly so much easier than you’re anticipating. Get the whole family involved, and have an awesome, easy, creative pumpkin gutting experience! Happy gutting, everyone!

Carolyn xo

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio

Embracing Fall Favourites, Before It’s Too Late


Food For Thought! A Healthy Recipe Series: Tacos Edition